Union Press is a letterpress print shop and design studio located in Somerville, Massachusetts. Founded in 2010, the shop specializes in handset wood and metal type and hand carved imagery. In addition to producing custom printed pieces, we are involved in the local arts community. We hold workshops, host events, and collaborate with area businesses and organizations. Through the design and production of limited edition posters, art prints, event invitations, business cards, and the like we continue to preserve the craft of traditional letterpress printing.
The shop is run by Eli G. Epstein, owner, designer, and printer. He studied graphic design at Northeastern University and got his first letterpress experience as an intern at the historic Hatch Show Print in Nashville, Tennessee. Eli exhibits the shop's work locally and nationally and is always excited to share his knowledge of letterpress printing through workshops and teaching opportunities. He currently teaches letterpress and printmaking at RAW Art Works in Lynn, Massachusetts.
If you have ideas for collaborations, upcoming projects, or general letterpress needs, feel free to get in touch with us here.